4 Things You Must Know About ISO 22000 Standards — Benefits, Procedure, Cost, And Certification

ISO Benefits, Procedure, Cost, And Certification

 ISO 22000 standard is an international certification that is accepted all over the world as the best standard for food management systems. It can be used to certify any type of food-production system including farmers, frozen food manufacturers to packaging industries, storage, and distributors.

ISO 22000 combines the ore elements of quality standards of ISO 9001 and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). Due to the increase in the demand for customer safety in food industries, ISO 22000 was first established in 2001 with the latest version released in 2015. By using several principles and methodologies, ISO 22000 aims at bringing an efficient standard that is easy to understand and implement.

Having an ISO certification for your business is a huge benefit in itself. It shows your customers how dedicated you are to delivering quality products and services working by a renowned international standard. The others are as mentioned below.

  • Consumer loyalty — through the delivery of items that reliably meet client prerequisites including quality, security, and legitimacy.
  • Decreased working expenses — through consistent improvement of cycles and working on improving operational efficiencies
  • Operational efficiencies — by incorporating pre-requisitive projects (PRP’s and OPRP’’s), HACCP with the Plan-Do-Check-Act methods of reasoning of ISO 9001 to build the efficiency of the Food Safety Management System
  • Improved business relations — including staff, clients, and providers
  • Legitimate consistency — by seeing how legal and administrative imperatives impact the industry and its clients and testing consistency of workflow through internal audits and the board surveys
  • Identifying threats and weaknesses — through more noteworthy recognition of a problem and working on solutions.
  • Demonstrated business accreditations — through complete autonomous checking in line with recognized guidelines
  • Capacity to acquire more businesses — especially where obtainment specifications require accreditation as a condition to establish a business

All that ISO 22000 needs is you build an efficient Food Safety Management system. All the documentation in place and implementation of it will help a lot in receiving the certification. But it doesn’t stop there. The industry has to follow the standards and work on continuous improvement to retain the standard and as well as to maintain quality.

  • A strategic Gap Analysis
  • Awareness Training
  • Swat analysis
  • Finalization of Documentation design
  • Implementation
  • Internal Auditor Training and conduct of an internal audit
  • Board Review Meeting
  • Review of Implementation
  • Final internal audit for pre-assessment
  • Stage 1 — certification audit
  • Stage 2 — certification audit
  • Award of ISO 22000 / HACCP certification
  • Consistently improving the cycles and work processes through value-added feedback and corrections.

ISO 22000 Certification works under Annex SL which covers four major topics in the food industry

  • Food Safety — the cycles and strategies your business needs to follow all through its network to protect food standard
  • Management Responsibility — the regions where your management crew need to concentrate on, be engaged with, and be responsible for
  • Asset Management — how assets, for example, individuals, foundations, and offices should be used efficiently to guarantee the most ideal presentation
  • Estimation, Analysis, and Improvement — the last provision covers how you can evaluate whether your Management System is functioning truly to form, encouraging the constant improvement of your framework

The cost of certification relies upon a few factors. These include the business sector, your yearly turnover, and the number of employees the industry has. We will likewise have to know whether you require a particular industry accreditation.

Be that as it may, we at Qzeal are focused on giving you the financially best course for ISO 22000 application and accreditation. That is the reason we revolve around making accreditation direct. By investing less energy in making complex document

To Get Certified: https://qzealcertification.com


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